by Jeremy Jordan
Level: 1 | Unique Words: 144 | Total Words: 4200 | Present/Some Past
All is well in the guinea pig community in Ecuador. Well, all except for that pesky DaVincuy always trying out his new inventions. Things take a turn when an amazing, charismatic new guinea pig arrives causing DaVincuy to question his worth. Will his fellow guinea pigs recognize his value during an unexpected crisis involving life or death?
From the imagination of Señor Jordan comes the first novel in his new series. With under 150 unique words and full color illustrations, this book will “cuyp” you and your students on the edge of your seats!
This is book 1 of the 'Cuysis' series. See book 2 here.
See Cuyes en crisis - Sample and Glossary.
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ISBN: 978-1-60372-386-2