en English

Todo lo que brilla - Movie on DVD



Documentary DVD plus teacher resources for Todo lo que brilla.

This Documentary Film by Chris Mercer takes you inside the mines of Nambija and Zaruma, Ecuador. Alongside the small-scale gold miners who inspired the book, Todo lo que brilla, students will see firsthand what it's like to hammer away in the darkness, hoping to find a good deposit of ore and watch miners process their ore at a homemade mill using mercury with their bare hands.

Meet the man who inspired the character José in the navel and hear his son describe a time when they were almost buried alive. Meet the old miner Victor and hear his firsthand account of mudslide of '93 in which hundreds of Namibja's miners were killed.

Learn the history of gold mining in South America that dates back to the pre-conquest times and continues today.

This film will bring the book to life in a way that no other Cl novel has done.

Special Features:

Subtitles Options: Spanish, English or No Subtitles.
Four teachable segments that correspond with specific chapters in the book.
Free Teacher's Resources with pre-teachable vocabulary and quizzes, complete transcripts and comprehension activities included with film purchase.

1B, AP and Social Justice Themes:

Global Challenges
Working Conditions
Child Labor
Economic Globalization
Environmental Protection
Sustainable vs. Unsustainable Economic Development

ISBN: 978-1-60372-147-9

SKU: 978-1-60372-147-9 Categories: , ,
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